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Onyx is a stone that offers up powerful vibrations of protection, strength, focus, and willpower. This stone is here to continuously push you forward in your life. Not only will Onyx give you a jolt of energy to get up and start pursuing your dreams, but also protect you on your new journey. Black Onyx  will provide a shield around ones aura daily, refusing to allow negative energy to attach itself to you. This stone has been used as protection for thousands of years and is still one of the strongest protection stones we know of.


Decisiveness | Strength | Protection | Confidence | Knowledge | Clearing | Purification | Cleansing

Self-Discipline | Wisdom | Focus | Attraction | Self Discovery | Emotional Understanding | Growth

 Balancing Polarities | Spiritual Awakening | Grief and Mourning






Third Eye | Solar Plexus | Root

Black Onyx

$8.88 Regular Price
$5.33Sale Price
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